My Hot Tub Smells Like Fish

If your hot tub smells like fish, you are not alone. A hot tub can be a wonderful place to relax and unwind, but if it smells like fish, you may want to think twice about getting in. The smell of fish in a hot tub is usually caused by anaerobic bacteria that grow in the water. This bacterium thrives in water that has been left stagnant for too long and produces a rotten smell that is difficult to get rid of.

What is That Smell?

Why does my hot tub smell like a seafood restaurant? Bacteria growth, algae, and a ph balance that is too low can be the reason your hot tub smells like fish. If you want to keep your hot tub smelling clean, it's important to take steps to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Here are some of the most common causes of a fishy smell in your hot tub:

Ph Balance is Off

The water is not properly balanced or treated. Hot tubs need to be filled with water that is properly balanced and treated with chemicals to keep the water clean. If you don't maintain your hot tub properly, it can cause problems like this. Just like in a swimming pool, if the balance is off, it will allow bacteria to grow.

Filter Needs Changing

You haven't cleaned the filter recently. The filter is what keeps the water clean and free of debris. It must be cleaned regularly to ensure that it is working properly. In order for it to do its job, it needs to be free of debris and scum build-up so that it can filter out dirt and contaminants from the water. When the debris has been cleaned out and /or the filter replaced, it should eliminate any lingering odor.

You Have an Algae Problem

If you've been away from your hot tub for more than a few weeks, it's likely that algae have taken it over and the hot tub water smells like fish. This is common in summer months when people use their spas less frequently and don't keep up with maintenance as much as they should. Algae can make your water look murky and smell rather unpleasant, so it might seem like something died in there.

You can prevent your hot tub from smelling like fish in the future by taking a few steps.

  • First, make sure all parts of your hot tub are clean.
  • You need to maintain an appropriate level of sanitizer. For chlorine, you want 1-4 parts per million, and for bromine, you want 2-6 parts per million.
  • pH should be tested at least weekly, and then alkaline or acid should be added until it falls within the range of 7.2-7.8.
  • A hot tub should also be drained and refilled every 3-6 months. While the hot tub is empty, thoroughly clean the shell.
  • Finally, keep an eye out for any signs of algae or mildew that might start to grow in your spa or on the cover.

Now that you know why your hot tub water smells like fish, getting rid of it should be no problem. Check each of the causes listed above to find the culprit, and follow the steps to keep your hot tub from smelling funky in the future.

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